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One App for All Business Payments Manage | Reconcile | Earn Rewards, All your business payments & credit in one place


Make All Business Payments

Pay Businesses

Suppliers, Vendor, Distributors, Manufacturer

Pay GST & Taxes

GST, TDS, Advance Tax, CA/Audit Fee

Pay Expenses

Rent, Logistics, Salaries, Utility Bills

All Modes of Payments

Businesses Across 250+ Cities


1. Who is the Pice App built for?

Pice App is specially designed for small & medium size Indian businesses who work hard to provide consumers with a variety of products & services.

2. What is the best way to use Pice?

The best way to use Pice is by making all your important business payments like suppliers/vendor payments, rent, GST & utility.

3. How much time does it take for a beneficiary to receive money?

Beneficiaries receive money instantly as soon as you finish making your payment with Pice.

4. How can I use rewards received on Pice?

You can use your rewards to constantly subsidise payments and get the cheapest rate for every transaction + more rewards.

5. Are my card details safe?

Pice is certified by PCI-DSS which is the national standard for accepting and storing debit or credit cards from users. We ensure the highest level of security for all your payments data.

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